


The Select Widget is a simple widget version of an HTML drop down selection box. The widget is used for making a selection from a predefined list of items. Many built-in dropdown widgets in TACTIC extend from the Select Widget.


Name Select Widget



TACTIC Version Support

2.5.0 \+

Required database columns

None, but typically this is attached to a data column


Usage of the Select Widget is straightforward. Simply click on the Select Widget button to open the drop down selection box. Then, select one of the menu items. Sometimes items are grouped and separated by a group label represented as << label>>. In that case, selecting the group label will trigger a warning pop-up. To unset a value, you can usually select the empty value with the label '-- Select --'.


The select is often setup in the Edit Column definition → Edit Tab. It is edited for the state for column data where the user should only be able to choose from a list of predefined values.


values A list of data values separated by the pipe character '|', e.g. model|anim|lighting


A list of display labels separated by the pipe character '|', e.g. Model|Anim|LGT


When set to true, the Select Widget will contain an empty option.


This serves the same purpose as values but in the form of an expression. The input item of the expression has to exist for this to function properly.(ie @GET(vfx/sequence.code) ). If it is used in the menu of an item in insert mode, you should set mode_expr to 'absolute'


This serves the same purpose as labels but in the form of an expression. The input item of the expression has to exist for this to function properly (ie @GET(vfx/ ). If it is used in the menu of an item in insert mode, you should set mode_expr to 'absolute'


If left unset, the default is to use the current item in the expression defined in values_expr and labels_expr. If set to 'absolute', the input item for the expression will be an empty list.


In the form of <search_type>|<value>|<label>, you can instruct the widget to retrieve the values and labels from the a particular sType. For example, to get all the asset codes from the sType 'vfx/asset', you can use 'vfx/asset|code|code'. To change the label to display asset’s name instead, you can use 'vfx/asset|code|name'.


The following example uses the query option to get the code of a parent shot item but, display the name value in the list. This query option is older. The values_expr and labels_expr option are preferred.

<element name="parent_code">
  <display class="SelectWdg">

The following gets the same result but, uses expressions. This allows for more robust queries for values and labels.

<element name="parent_code">
  <display class="SelectWdg">

The following sets a hard coded list of values and labels for the SelectWdg.

<element name="status">
  <display class="SelectWdg">
    <labels>Waiting|In Progress|Complete</labels>