Note Sheet Widget


The Note Sheet Widget allows entering of many notes in different contexts and different parents at the same time. It can be used for entering notes for any search types. By default, it uses the parent’s pipeline processes as the contexts for note entry. Notes can be saved either individually or altogether. There is an option to make a note private as well.



Note Sheet Widget

Common Title

Note Sheet



Table Element Widget

Supported Interfaces


TACTIC Version Support


Required database columns



When used with regular sTypes with its pipeline_code set, the Note Sheet Widget automatically displays the pipeline processes as note context options. Each enabled context is marked with a check in the check box, which goes along with a text box for note entry. Indicate which contexts display for input by selecting the appropriate check boxes. When used with a child search_type like a task, the Note Sheet Widget assumes its context attribute as the note context.

Clicking on "save" icon will save all of the notes together for this parent. To save one note at a time, click on the individual save button under the corresponding note.

The private check box turns a note access as private if checked. The history button is used to display all the note entries for a context.



The Note Sheet Widget is a common column that can be added using the Column Manager.


dynamic_class Set the class name of the widget to be displayed


Specifies a particular pipeline_code to use or if the parent of this note sheet widget does not have the 'pipeline_code' attribute e.g. 'model'. If unspecified, it will be based on the pipeline_code value of its parent.


To override the default element class NoteTableElementWdg, modify the look or add extra buttons to the UI to enter notes. One method is just to override the method get_action_wdg()


When a note sheet is added to a sType like task or snapshot but it is set up so that the note is targeted at its parent, which could be an asset or shot. If so, set this display option to true.


Used to add contexts that are not defined in the pipeline. Separate the contexts with a pipe character if there are more than one, e.g. producer


<element name="notes_sheet" edit="false">
    <display class="HiddenRowToggleWdg">