
Triggers are callbacks that are named based on certain events. TACTIC provides three types of triggers which allow you to add to existing functionality.

  • Event-based triggers: triggers based on specific events that occur within TACTIC. During the execution of a command in TACTIC, various named events may be called. Any one of these events may trigger other actions, if a custom trigger is registered to that event.

  • Server-side pipeline triggers: triggers defined in a server-side pipeline. They are called as a result of events that occur in the pipeline itself

  • Client-side pipeline triggers: triggers defined in a client-side pipeline. They are defined in the client API.

As TACTIC runs through its code, it will periodically call named events. These named events provide a mechanism for attaching custom trigger handlers.

There are two styles of named event triggers supported by TACTIC.

The first style of event-based trigger makes use of the client API. The functionality in the client API can be accessed by the server code and is often preferable for third parties to use because it uses a well-defined interface much easier to program in than the complex server code. To create your own custom trigger, create a new class derived from the Handler class and override the execute function:

from tactic_client_lib import TacticServerStub
from tactic_client_lib.interpreter import Handler

class CustomTrigger(Handler):
    def execute(my):
        # get a handle to the server stub
        server = TacticServerStub.get()
        server.start("Starting server transaction")
            # at this point, you have full access to the server using the client API
            ret_val =

            # get values from the inputs
            search_key = my.get_input_value("search_key")
            sobject = server.get_by_search_key(search_key)
            if sobject.get('asset_library') != 'character':

            # check to see that the status has changed
            update_data = my.get_input_value("update_data")
            if update_data.get('status'):


A reference to the TacticServerStub can be accessed through the static method get(). Once a reference to the server stub is obtained, it is possible to make use of the client API functionality. The main difference is that this code is being run inside the TACTIC server process, so the overhead of XMLRPC is not present. Thus triggers running on the server side will run much faster that those running using the XMLRPC protocol.

It is also possible in the trigger to access another TACTIC server by using the TacticServerStub and explicitly setting the three settings required to connect to another server. For example, here is some code to synchronize the asset list:

    server = TacticServerStub()
    server.start("Synchonizing data")
        search_key = my.get_input_value("search_key")
        update_data = my.get_input_value("update_data")
        server.update(search_key, update_data)

Synchronization of data between two TACTIC servers is possible once authentication is set up. (Note that some priviledged knowledge about the remote server is required in order to authenticate.)

The second style of event-based trigger is driven from the class pyasm.command:

from pyasm.command import Trigger
class CustomTrigger(Trigger):
    def execute(my):
         print "executing custom trigger"

This trigger style makes use of server-side code and is much more complex to use. It is most often used internally and should generally not be used unless required due to a limitation in the client API.

As TACTIC server code is executed, triggers will be called periodically. TACTIC will call named events, which will then trigger registered handles that are listening to those events.

To better understand the event system, please review the TACTIC Setup→ Project Automation → TACTIC Event System Introduction documentation

Each of the handlers for the events listed above get an "input package" delivered to them. This input package contains information that is useful to the handler as determined by the command that called the trigger.

Insert / Edit Input Values
param description type


specifies whether a particular trigger was an insert or an edit



the search_key of the SObject operated on by the insert/edit



a dictionary of previous values of attributes that were changed



a dictionary of updated values of attributes that were changed


In order for a trigger to listen to an event, it must be registered in the trigger search type.

In the TACTIC admin site: http://<server_name>/admin, click on the triggers view. This view defines a list of triggers and the events they are registered to.

When you insert a new trigger, you specify the full class path of your new trigger, along with a description and the event that the trigger should listen for.

Time-based triggers allow you to execute custom code on the server at either specific intervals or at a specific time of the day. These are very useful triggers that allow you to handle any number of different actions.

  • Backup (although this may be better done with a dedicated backup system)

  • Cleanup

  • Autobuilding of files

  • Statistics gathering

  • Data synchronization

In this example, the function get_execute_interval(), used to determine the intervals during which this trigger will be run, is overridden to 3600. This trigger will be run every hour (60*60) seconds. (The shortest hard coded interval is every 60 seconds. If you set a smaller number it will still execute once every 60 seconds.)

class SampleTimedTrigger(TimedTrigger):
    def get_execute_interval(my):
        '''return number of seconds between execution'''
        return 3600

    def execute(my):
        print "doing a bunch of stuff"
        print "sleeping"
        print ".... done"

In order for TACTIC to recognize this trigger, it has to be registered in the list of triggers in the Admin site. All timed triggers listen to the "timed" event.