
checkout(search_key, context, version=-1, file_type='main', dir='', level_key=None, to_sandbox_dir=False, mode='copy')

Check out files defined in a snapshot from the repository. This will copy files to a particular directory so that a user can work on them.


search_key - a unique identifier key representing an sobject

context - context of the snapshot


version - version of the snapshot

file_type - file type defaults to 'main'. If set to '*', all paths are checked out

level_key - the unique identifier of the level in the form of a search key

to_dir - destination directory defaults to '.'

to_sandbox_dir - (True|False) destination directory defaults to

sandbox_dir (overrides "to_dir" arg)

mode - (copy|download) - determines the protocol that will be used

to copy the files to the destination location


list - a list of paths that were checked out