
query_snapshots(filters=None, columns=None, order_bys=[], show_retired=False, limit=None, offset=None, single=False, include_paths=False, include_full_xml=False, include_paths_dict=False, include_parent=False, include_files=False, include_web_paths=False)

thin wrapper around query, but is specific to querying snapshots with some useful included flags that are specific to snapshots


ticket - authentication ticket

filters - (optional) an array of filters to alter the search

columns - (optional) an array of columns whose values should be


order_bys - (optional) an array of order_by to alter the search

show_retired - (optional) - sets whether retired sobjects are also


limit - sets the maximum number of results returned

single - returns a single sobject that is not wrapped up in an array

include_paths - flag to specify whether to include a paths property

containing a list of all paths in the dependent snapshots

include_paths_dict - flag to specify whether to include a

paths_dict property containing a dict of all paths in the

dependent snapshots

include_web_paths_dict - flag to specify whether to include a

web_paths_dict property containing a dict of all web paths in

the returned snapshots

include_full_xml - flag to return the full xml definition of a snapshot

include_parent - includes all of the parent attributes in a parent dictionary

include_files - includes all of the file objects referenced in the



list of snapshots