
The TACTIC Client API interacts with teh server through an XMLRPC connection. This has a number of advantages and disadvantages that the developer should be aware of when programming the Client API. XMLRPC is a standard web sevice protocol built on top of HTTP. This means that the protocol is stateless. It also means that it requires an HTTP request for every interaction.

HTTP requests are very slow when compared to running code directly on the server, so care must be taken to minimize the number of interactions that occur between the client code and the server code. However, if a client side application is written with a few basic best practice guidelines, performance issues should not be a problem.

The TACTIC server should be treated as a special resource. The more client side processing you do, the lower the load on the server and the more scalable your client side application.

If possible, it is always preferable to pool queries into a single request with the use of proper filters: Unfortunately, this sometime sacrifices pure Object Oriented elegance, but it is a tradeoff that is well worth it in practice. For example, an object oriented approach to aquiring data would be:

shots = server.query("prod/shot", filters=[['sequence_code': 'XG']])
for shot in shots:
    tasks = server.get_all_children( shot.get('__search_key__'), 'sthpw/task')

When using this approach, a call to the server will be made for every shot. While, in principle, this will work, it could potentially be quire slow. A faster way to do this would be to get all of the tasks for all of the shots in a single statement:

shots = server.query("prod/shot", filters=[['sequence_code': 'XG']])
shot_keys = [ shot.get('__search_key__') for shot in shots)
tasks = server.get_all_children( shot_keys, 'sthpw/task')

This will get all of the tasks for all of the shots in one call to the server. Of course, some extra processing is required to relate the retrived tasks to the shot, however, this is all done on the client side and is executed very quickly.

tasks_dict = {}
for task in tasks:
    parent_key = task.get('__parent_key__')
    task_list = tasks_dict.get(parent_key)
    if not task_list:
        task_list = []
        task_dict['parent_key') = task_list

Creating this dictionary will enable rapid look up of the tasks for each shot.

Of course, this is done for you by providing the "return_mode" flag.

tasks = server.get_all_children( shot_keys, 'sthpw/task', return_mode='dict' )

By default, the return mode is "list", which just returns a flat list allow you to restructure as desired.

This applies to the more general "query" method:

tasks = server.query("sthpw/task")