Upgrade TACTIC to Python 3

If you have an existing server running Python 2, it is easy to upgrade to Python 3. TACTIC 4.7 is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.

Note: If you are installing pycryptodomex in Python 3, and do not have this module running in Python 2, see Upgrade TACTIC > Pycryptdome Update to upgrade from Pycrypto to Pycryptodome.

General Upgrade

The following steps must be taken to upgrade your TACTIC server,

  1. Install Python 3
  2. Upgrade __init__.py in Python 2 site-packages/tacticenv with latest 4.7 file /src/install/data/_init_.py
  3. Copy site-packages/tacticenv from Python 2 site-packages to Python 3 site-packages
  4. Install Python 3 Modules,

    • pillow
    • pycryptodomex
    • lxml
    • requests
    • pytz
  5. Update your TACTIC config file to use Python 3 for all services by updating the python directive:


    See Server Configuration > Configuration Checklist for the location of your TACTIC configuration file.

  6. Update the TACTIC service. For Windows, see Windows section below. For linux, copy the Python 3 service file from,




    Enable the service with commands,

    chkconfig --add tactic_python3
    chkconfig --level 235 tactic_python3 on
  7. Remove all *.pyc files from your TACTIC source code. Mako and some other packages have been moved into the 3rd_party sources directory.

RHEL Upgrade

  1. Install python3

    dnf install python 3
  2. Replace /lib/python2.7/site-packages/tacticenv/_init_.py with latest 4.7 file /src/install/data/_init_.py

  3. Copy /lib/python2.7/site-packages/tacticenv into /lib/python3.7/site-packages

  4. Install updated Python 3 modules using dnf or pip,

    • pillow
    • pycryptodomex
    • lxml
    • requests
    • pytz
    • DB connectivity module: ie. psycopg2, mysqlclient, etc.

    Using dnf,

    dnf install python3-pillow

    Using pip,

    python3 -m pip install pycryptodomex
  5. Update your TACTIC config file to use Python 3 for all services by updating tag:

  6. Update the TACTIC service. For Windows, see Windows section below. For linux, copy the Python 3 service file from,




    Enable the service with commands,

    chkconfig --add tactic_python3
    chkconfig --level 235 tactic_python3 on
  7. Remove all *.pyc files from your TACTIC source code. Mako and some other packages have been moved into the 3rd_party sources directory.


  1. Install python3

  2. Replace C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\tacticenv__init__.py with latest 4.7 file \src\install\data__init__.py

  3. Copy C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\tacticenv into C:\Python37\Lib\site-packages

  4. Install updated Python 3 modules:

    • pillow
    • lxml
    • pycryptodomex
    • requests
    • jaraco.windows
    • pytz
    • pywin32
    • DB connectivity module - ie. psycopg2, mysqlclient

    We reccomend using pip to install updated packages.

    python3 -m pip install pycryptodomex
  5. Update your TACTIC config file to use Python 3 for all services by updating tag:

  6. Upgrade the Windows TACTIC service.

    i. Install Windows service Python 3 module:

    python -m pip install pywin32

    ii. Remove the service originally installed under Python 2,

    python TACTIC/src/install/service/win32_service.py remove

    iii. Install the service under Python 3,

    python3 TACTIC/src/install/service/win32_service.py install

    Note: Since last tested (Sept 2019), we had issues running Python 3 Windows Services.

    The workaround required us to copy dll files from,




    The TACTIC service should run after this. If this does not solve service issues, try running TACTIC in debug mode:

    python3 src/install/service/win32_service.py debug
  7. We recommend removing all *.pyc files from your TACTIC source code since we have moved and updated certain packages into TACTIC/3rd_party/