build_search_key(search_type, code, project_code=None, column='code')
Convenience method to build a search key from its components. A search_key uniquely indentifies a specific sobject. This string that is returned is heavily used as an argument in the API to identify an sobject to operate one
A search key has the form: "prod/shot?project=bar&code=XG001" where search_type = "prod/shot", project_code = "bar" and code = "XG001"
search_type - the unique identifier of a search type: ie prod/asset
code - the unique code of the sobject
project_code - an optional project code. If this is not
included, the project from get_ticket() is added.
string - search key
search_type = "prod/asset"
code = "chr001"
search_key = server.build_search_key(search_type, code)
e.g. search_key = prod/asset?project=code=chr001
search_type = "sthpw/login"
code = "admin"
search_key = server.build_search_key(search_type, code, column='code')
e.g. search_key = sthpw/login?code=admin