TACTIC Javascript API Start-up

Using the TACTIC 4.6 API from javascript is very simple. You just have to reference a single javascript file. You can either reference a local copy of this file: <script src=”js/tactic.js”> </script> Or you can reference it from TACTIC server itself: <script src=”http://<server>/context/spt_js/tactic.js”> </script> Replace with your own server IP Read more…

Executing server side scripts from browser

TACTIC provides a number of mechanism to Python code on the server. We can start with a widget in the Custom Layout Editor with the HTML definition: <div>  <input type=”button press_me” name=”Press Me”/> </div> In the behaviors: var script_path = “my_scripts/press_me”; var kwargs = {}; var server = TacticServerStub.get(); server.execute_python_script(path, Read more…