Connecting sTypes

In a project, items (ie. files, assets) may be related to each other. For example, a car is built with various parts that can be identified separately but are all related to the same car. Another example can be found cinematic film production. The cinematic footage of one movie is commonly broken down into sequences and shots.

How do these relationships work in TACTIC? - Each sType is represented as a table in the database and each entry in the table represents an sObject. The relationships are created when storing matching data "properties" in each of the tables. In the example tables below there are "Sequence" and "Shot" sTypes. The "code" column matches the "sequence_code" column which illustrates which shot is related to which sequence.

code description


The first sequence


The first sequence

sequence_code code description



Sequence one shot one



Sequence one shot two



Sequence two shot one

In the Schema Editor, relationships are represented by lines connecting the nodes. When these connections are made, the columns used to relate the sTypes can be chosen in the Connection Editor.

To create a new connection, hover over a node and click-drag a connection to the desired node (sType).



The direction of the arrow in the connection indicates from child to parent.

After a connection is made, the Connection Attributes editor will open to enable the choice of column relationships. It is also possible to create new columns from this editor.



The yellow Switch button image in the middle of the tool toggles which node is the child and which one is the parent.