Project Schema

The project schema is used to create structure or a "data model" of a project. The Schema view defines the type of items managed by using a visual graphical node editor. The Schema Editor displays the layout of the created sTypes and the connections between them.


The Project Schema Editor is available through the Getting Started link in the side bar which is available after creating a project, or under the Admin Views under Project Admin → Project Schema in the side bar.

The Project Schema editor is an essential tool used for the creation of new project templates. This editor is used to layout the various types of objects (files, assets) that will be managed and produced on a project. These types (sTypes) are searchable within TACTIC. Node based layout and work-flow, allows for simple manipulation and creation of these various sTypes and their relationships to each other.

Editor Button Shelf


Main Editor Buttons


Add a new node to the canvas. This represents an unregistered sType


Delete the selected nodes or connections from the canvas


Save all changes to the schema

Editor Zoom Controls

Zoom In

Zoom the canvas in

Zoom Out

Zoom the canvas out

Zoom Options

Allow for choosing the zoom level.

Node Options

(Applies to the selected nodes or connections)

Register sType

Registers the selected nodes as new Searchable Types using the registration wizard. If more than one node is selected, the sTypes will be registered in batch.

Edit Connection

Load the connection editor pop-up.

Edit Pipelines

Load the Project Work-flow (pipeline) editor.

Laying out the sTypes


To create a new Searchable Type (sType) in the schema, add a new node to the canvas using the [+] button in the editor. It’s also possible to create a new node from an existing node by simply dragging a connection line from the output handle of the existing node.


Once the type has been created on the canvas, it can be renamed by right clicking on the node or using a "CTRL-click" on the node.



It is important to note that during this initial process, you are creating a "blueprint" for your project. The next steps are to register the sTypes. Each sType in TACTIC is represented as a table in the project database, this table is required to go through a registration process. This process will generate the table as well as provide the opportunity to add columns (properties), a pipeline, default views for the sidebar and more.

Workflow (Pipelines)

Where applicable, you can add the pipeline attribute to a search type to allow for association of the sObjects to a particular pipeline. Having a pipeline assigned allows an sObject to travel through a set number of processes. For each of these processes, a task can be created and assigned to a user, files can be checked in, notes can be submitted and work hours can be logged.

By choosing "Has Pipeline" on creation, an extra "pipeline_code" property will be added to store pipeline associations and a Pipeline will be created and registered for the new sType.


To edit the pipeline, you can click the pipeline link in the top of the editor or, in the sidebar navigate to Project Admin → Project Workflow.

Node Options

Once registered, each node provides options for further configuration of sType related project setup and configuration, which can be executed through the main shelf buttons or by right-clicking on a node:


Editor Actions

Add to Current Group

Adds the selected node(s) to the current group (pipeline)

Rename Node

Rename the node (sType)

Remove Node

Remove the node (sType)

Remove Group

Removes the group (pipeline)

Node Actions

Register sType

Loads the sType registration wizard

Node Options

Table Manager

Load the Database table manager for the selected type (see "Table Manager" below)

View Manager

Loads the view manager for the selected sType (see "View Manager" below)

Show Raw Data

Loads the Raw database data in a table for the selected sType (see "Raw Data" below)

Edit Pipeline

Loads the Workflow Editor allowing access to edit the pipelines related to the selected sType.

Show File Naming

Loads the file naming table for the selected sType (see "File Naming" below)

Table Manager


View Manager


Raw Data


File Naming
