Expression Variable Reference

Expression Variable Reference

There are a number of predefined variables in the expression language. The following list all of the available variables:

  • LOGIN - the login of the current user

  • LOGIN_ID - the login id of the current user

  • LOGINS_IN_GROUP - the group of logins belonging to the group the current user is in

  • PROJECT - code of the current project

  • PROJECT_URL - the URL to the project’s home page (ex:

  • BASE_URL - The base URL of the TACTIC installaiton (ex:

Table 1.

Variable Description Usage


Current day and time

[multiblock cell omitted]


Current day at midnight (12:00 am)

[multiblock cell omitted]


[multiblock cell omitted]

[multiblock cell omitted]


Now + 1 minute

[multiblock cell omitted]


Now + 1 minute

[multiblock cell omitted]


This hour at 0 minutes

[multiblock cell omitted]


THIS_HOUR + 1 hour

[multiblock cell omitted]


THIS_HOUR - 1 hour

[multiblock cell omitted]


Today + 1 day

[multiblock cell omitted]


The first day of this year at midnight (12:00am)

[multiblock cell omitted]


THIS_YEAR + 1 year

[multiblock cell omitted]


THIS_YEAR - year

[multiblock cell omitted]


the first day of this month at midnight (12:00am)

[multiblock cell omitted]


THIS_MONTH + 1 month

[multiblock cell omitted]


THIS_MONTH - 1 month

[multiblock cell omitted]


Replace * with a particular day of the week

NEXT_MONDAY: the next day that is a Monday at midnight


Replace * with a particular day of the week

PREV_SATURDAY: the last day that was a Saturday at midnight


Replace ** with any number between 1 and 12

10_DAY_AGO: today - 10 days


Replace ** with any number between 1 and 12

5_DAY_AHEAD: today + 5 days


Replace ** with any number between 1 and 12

same usage as **_DAY_AGO


Replace ** with any number between 1 and 12

same usage as **_DAY_AHEAD


Replace ** with any number between 1 and 12

same usage as **_DAY_AGO


Replace ** with any number between 1 and 12

same usage as **_DAY_AHEAD


Replace ** with any number between 1 and 12

same usage as **_DAY_AGO


Replace ** with any number between 1 and 12

same usage as **_DAY_AHEAD

These variables can be used for to refer to state information in searches. This expression will retrieve all the login information for the current user.


They can also be used to find items between certain dates. This expression will retrieve all snapshots for this week starting at Sunday.


The following are shorthands that do not require a starting point or environment sobject. They can be used in an absolute expression:

  • login - the currently logged in user login attribute

  • project - the current project

  • date - a date object with today’s date

  • palette - a palette object used for accessing different attributes of the palette for the current project. e.g. @GET(palette.background) can be used in the css for a Custom Layout Widget

The following are shorthands that require a starting point or environment sobject:

  • parent - the parent of the current related sobject @GET(parent.code)

  • search_type - the sType sobject. e.g. @GET(.search_type.title)

  • connect - the connected sobject registered in the connection sType. Refer to the API methods like connect_sobjects() and get_connected_sobjects()

    To filter down to a particular connected sobject based on the context attribute, which defaults to 'task', use @CONTEXT.

    e.g. @GET(prod/asset.connect['@CONTEXT','some_task'].description)

The following variables are only used in Naming. Refer to the file naming section for details.

  • EXT - file extension

  • BASEFILE - the filename portion of the file without the extension